Your Final exam will be held on 2/9/2023 at 10:00 am
- 1. Amino acids
- 2. Fibrous proteins
- 3. Globular proteins
- 4. Immunoglobulins
- 5. Enzymes I Characteristics and classification
- 6. Enzymes II kinetics
- 7. Enzymes III regulation
- 8. Enzymes IV cofactors
- 9. Protein purification
- 10. Protein analysis
Molecular biology
- 1. Recombinant DNA technology
- 2. Analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and Protein-Protein interaction
- 3. CRISPR CAS9 and gene editing
- 4. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- 5. DNA sequencing
- 6. Analysis of gene expression and RNA levels
اللهم لا سهل إلّا ما جعلته سهلًا
و أنت تجعل الحزن إذا شئت سهلًا
- Fibrous proteins
- Globular proteins
- Immunoglobulin
- Enzymes 1
- Enzyme 2
- Enzymes 3
- Enzymes 4
- Protein analysis part 1
- Protein analysis part 2
- Practice for biochemistry-WORKSHEET
- ⭐️Recombinant DNA technology
- Analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and protein - protein interaction
- CRISPR CAS9 and gene editing
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- DNA sequencing
- Analysis of gene expression and RNA levels
- Dr.Mamoun Lectures
- Dr.Diala Recorded Lectures
🌟Molecular biology
- Lecture1:Recombinant DNA technology
- ⭐️Discusion 1:Recombinant DNA technology
- Lecture 2:Analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and protein-protein interactions
- ⭐️Discussion 2:Analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and protein-protein interactions
- Lecture 3: CRISPR-CAS9 and gene editing
- Lecture 4:Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- ⭐️Discussion 3: CRISPR-CAS9 and gene editing & Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) p1
- Lecture 5: DNA sequencing
- ⭐️Discussion 4: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)p2 & DNA sequencing p1
- lecture 6: Analysis of gene expression and RNA levels
- ⭐️Discussion 5:DNA sequencing p2 &Analysis of gene expression and RNA levels
- Sheet 17 fibrous proteins V2
- Sheet 18 globular proteins V2
- Sheet 19 immunoglobulin V2
- Sheet 20 Enzyme 1 part 1
- Sheet 21 Enzymes 1 part 2
- Sheet 22 Enzymes 2 part 1
- Sheet 23 Enzymes regulation
- Sheet 24 Kinetics + Regulation
- Sheet 25 Enzyme 4
- Sheet 26 Protein purification & protein analysis
- Sheet 27 protein analysis part 2
- ⭐️Sheet 1:Recombinant DNA technology
- Sheet 2: Analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and protein - protein interaction
- Sheet 3:CRISPR CAS9 and gene editing
- Sheet 4: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Sheet 5: DNA sequencing
- Sheet 6: Analysis of gene expression and and RNA levels
- Test banks
- Summary for Fibrous proteins by Al-Razi Node
- Summary for Globular proteins by Al-Razi Node~Hakam Ra'ed
- Summary for Enzymes classes by Doa'a Alrefaie
- Summary for Enzymes classes
- Summary for Biochemistry by Al-Razi Node~Rahf Naser
- Summary for Activation-transfer coenzymes by Aram Alnashash
- Summary for molecular biology by Rahf Naser
- Summary for molecular (last year lectures) by Abdalrahman Bahri
- Summary for ((Amino acid))s by Rahf Naser
- Flashcards
Additional sources
- Fibrous proteins for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Globular protein for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Immunoglobulin for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Enzyme I for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Enzyme II for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Enzyme III for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Enzymes IV for Dr.Diala and Dr.Mamoun by Ismail Alardah
- Animation videos recommended by Dr.Mamoun Ahram
- Recombinant DNA technology by Ismail Alardah
- Analysis of DNA regulatory sequences and protein-protein interactions by Ismail Alardah
- CRISPR-CAS9 and gene editing
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) by Ismail Alardah
- DNA sequencing by Ismail Alardah
- Analysis of gene expression and RNA levels by Ismail Alardah
- Past paper