JU Announcement
  1. Sheet form
    1. Sheet form
  2. Syllabus
    1. Syllabus
  3. Slides
    1. Introduction into biochemistry
    2. pH and buffers
    3. Carbohydrates
    4. Lipids
    5. Amino acids
    6. Peptides
    7. Protein structure
  4. Dr.Diala recorded lectures
    1. Introduction to Biochemistry (1)
    2. Introduction to Biochemistry (2)
    3. PH & Buffers (1)
    4. PH & Buffers (2)
    5. PH & Buffers (3)
    6. Carbohydrates (1)
    7. Carbohydrates (2)
    8. Carbohydrates (3)
    9. Carbohydrates (4)
    10. Lipids (1)
    11. Lipids (2)
    12. Lipids (3)
    13. Lipids (4) & Amino Acids (1)
    14. Amino Acids (2)
    15. Amino Acids (3) & Peptides
    16. Peptides & Protein Structure(1)
    17. Protein Structure(2)
    18. Protein Structure(3)
  5. Dr.Mamoun Lectures
    1. Introduction to Biochemistry (1)
    2. Introduction to Biochemistry (2)
    3. PH & Buffers (1)
    4. PH & Buffers (2)
    5. Carbohydrates (1)
    6. Carbohydrates (2)
    7. Carbohydrates (3)
    8. Lipids (1)
    9. Lipids (2)
    10. Lipids (3)
    11. Amino Acids (1)
    12. Amino Acids (2)
    13. Peptides & Protein Structure (1)
    14. Protein Structure (2)
    15. Protein Structure (3)
  6. Sheets
    1. Sheet 1 (v2)
    2. Sheet 2 (v2)
    3. Sheet 3 (v2)
    4. Sheet 4 (v2)
    5. Sheet 5 (v2)
    6. Sheet 6 (v2)
    7. Sheet 7 (v2)
    8. Sheet 8 (v2)
    9. Sheet 9 (v2)
    10. Sheet 10 (v2)
    11. Sheet 11 (v2)
    12. Sheet 12 (v2)
    13. Sheet 13 (v2)
    14. Sheet 14
    15. Sheet 15
    16. Sheet 16
  7. Test bank
    1. Test bank by Abood Hasasnah
    2. Test bank by Al-Razi Node
    3. Test bank by Al -Razi Node (lipids)
    4. Water +Acid and Base + PH and buffers Past Paper by Abdulrahman Ghanem
    5. Mid exam 022
  8. Summaries
    1. Summary for Intro +ph and buffers + Carbs+lipids
    2. Amino acids by Fatimah Al Zghoul
    3. Summary for proteins
    4. Summery for the structures by Abdullah Al Samady
    5. Summary for Amino acids by Sadeel Mamoun
    6. Summary for peptides by Al-Razi Node
    7. Summary for carbohydrates by Al-Razi Node
    8. Summary for lipids by Al-Razi Node
    9. Summary for carbohydrates by Lujain Ahmad
  9. Additional sources
    1. Carbohydrates for Dr.Diala by Ismail Alardah
    2. Lipids for Dr.Diala by Ismail Alardah