- Slides
- CVS Embryology slides
- Lab slides
Recorded Lectures
- Lecture 1: Thoracic Wall
- Lecture 2: Superior mediastinum
- Lecture 3 2021: Middle Mediastinum and Pericardium
- Lecture 4 (Online): External Morphology of The Heart
- Lecture 5 (Online): Heart Valves and Blood Supply
- Lecture 6 2021: Internal Morphology of The Heart
- Lecture 7 : Heart Nerve Supply and Surface Anatomy
- Embryology Recorded Lectures
Additional sources
- A+ agonist summaries
- L1 summary by group member
- L2 summary by group member
- Playlist for Dr.Ayman Khanfor
- Playlist for Dr.Wahdan
- L1-2 flash cards by Ahmad alkashef
- L3 summary part 1 by group member
- L3 summary part 2 by group member
- L4 summary by group member
- L5 summary by group member
- 021 flash cards
- Dr wahdan modified by group member
- Pericardium summary by سديل مأمون
- All anatomy’s lectures by Dania alrashdan
- Mid lectures embryology sheet part 1 by 021
- Mid lectures embryology sheet part 2 (first 3 pages) by 021
- Test banks