JU Announcement

Exam material:



lower limb (30 marks, 70-80% of them from Kahoot questions)

thorax & abdomen (4 marks)

lower limb lab (10 marks, doctor’s summary is sufficient)

upper limb lab (10 marks, doctor’s summary is sufficient)

embryology (6 marks, doctor’s summary is sufficient)

exam date: Saturday 17/6 at 2:30-4:00

النّعِيمُ لا يُدرَكُ بالنَّعِيم


  1. Syllabus
    1. Syllabus
  2. Dr.Ahmad Salman Lectures
    1. Lecture 13 (Lumber , sacral plexus & the thigh)
    2. Lecture 14 (Femoral triangle & adductor canal)
    3. Lecture 15 (Gluteal region)
  3. Dr.Maha Elbeltagi lectures
    1. Lecture 16 (Revision and sciatic nerve)
    2. Lecture 17 part 1 (Posterior compartment of the thigh)
    3. Lecture 17 part 2 (Anatomy of popliteal fossa)
    4. Lecture 18 (muscles of the anterior and posterior compartment of the leg)
    5. Lecture 19 (muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg)
    6. Lecture 20 (Anatomy of the foot)
    7. Lecture 21(joints of the lower limb 1)
    8. Lecture 22(joints of the lower limb 2 and nerves of leg and foot 1)
    9. Lecture 23(nerves of leg and foot 2)
    10. Lecture 24(blood vessels of the lower limb)
    11. Lecture 25(Thorax )
    12. Lecture 26(abdomen introduction Last lecture)
    13. Thorax and abdomen kahoot questions(not a lecture)
  4. Dr.Ahmad Salman slides
    1. Lumbar and sacral plexuses
    2. Anterior and medial copmartment of thigh
    3. Gluteal region
  5. Dr.Maha Elbeltagi slides
    1. Gluteal, posterior thigh and popliteal fossa
    2. Anatomy of the leg
    3. Anatomy of the foot
    4. lower limb joints
    5. Nerves of the leg and foot
    6. Vessels of the lower limb
    7. Thorax
    8. Abdomen
  6. Lab videos
    1. Hip and femur
  7. Lab slides ( upper and lower limbs summaries are sufficient)
    1. Hip and femur
    2. Gluteal region and Back of thigh
    3. Posterior thigh and popliteal fossa
    4. Tibia ,Fibula and Foot
    5. Muscles of the leg
    6. Upper limb Practical Summary
    7. Lower limb Practical Summary
  8. Lab check lists
    1. Check list 1
    2. Check list 2
    3. Check list 3
    4. Check list 4
  9. Additional sources
    1. Rama Al Naimat lectures
    2. Rama al Naimat quizzes for theory material
    3. Rama al Naimat lab slides
  10. Test banks
    1. Test bank by Bashar Jadallah
  11. Summaries
    1. Muscles of the thigh by Mays Qashou
    2. Lower limb muscles by Ghada Barakat
    3. muscles of the lower limb by Suhaib Abweini
    4. Summary by لجين أسامة
    5. Muscles of the lower limp by mays qashou
    6. Clinical anatomy by mays qashou
    7. مناطق متفرقة by mays qashou
    8. Nerves and vessels of the lower limp mays qashou by
    9. Mind Map for anatomy (The Thigh,Gluteal region,Lateral rotators of the thigh,Nerves of the lower limb)